Analytical Exposition Text

Imagines, one day, you finally meet someone you love with all your beings. Imagine finding your soulmate who smiles as bright as the sun in the middle of world full of clouds. Imagine, when you finally get to hold their hand and walk through this cruel universe to face the challenges together---just to get hit by rocks, get punched in the face, and spat all over your face(s) because the one you're holding right now has the same sex as yours.

This is what happens to people who happen to have different sexual orientation than the society. They got beat up, excluded from the society, received tons of hate speeches coming from the mouth of the "religious" ones. And as if those are not enough, they are killed unlawfully by both homophobes and transphobes all around the world, such as U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, and many more.

When people actually think about it, there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of from the people of the LGBTQ+ community. In fact, homosexuality is normal. About 2-11% adults admit that they experienced homosexual attraction. Studies conducted in Japan even show that homosexuality exists across culture and throughout the animal kingdom. For instance, in certain population, female Japanese macaques choose other female as sexual partner despite the presence of male mates.

Moreover, sexual orientation isn't a choice and can't be changed. Homosexuality is not contagious, for you can't "turn" someone gay. Same goes with heterosexuality. You don't choose to be straight, you are you. And they are them.

Most of the time, people tend to ban LGBT since it's not "the norm" and it doesn't suit their religion. People---mostly talking, Indonesian---mix state's problems with religion problems, which is not right. As a country with several religions, tribes, and cultures, Indonesia needs to understand that being major opinion does not always meant you're right. Especially related to religion. Besides, no law goes against  the LGBTQ+.

In conclusion, homosexuality is normal. And there are no absolute reason to go and hate the community, apart from religious factors. So, go out there and treat them as human beings, peeps!


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